Hello and welcome to my ‘decisionship’ and lifestyle site. I created this site as a platform to document the decisions I make, improve my finances, friendships, and more. Most of all, I want to help my readers improve their lives along the way.
My name is Ian Golightly and being a first generation immigrant, I felt blessed and humbled how my life has turned out. During my youthful days, I can remember so well how my life was chaos. Luckily the universe was by my side and had introduced me to individuals who impacted my life. These people were critical influencers on the decisions I have made to help me overcome the statistics and challenges I have been faced with.
Completing college was one of the most significant decisions and accomplishments that I have done. To graduate with a medical science degree with 2 minors, vice president of my undergraduate society, and have the opportunity to conduct research in one of the most intense organic chemistry science group (Check out my publication), I would say decisions played a huge factor in my success. With all of the hard work and sacrifices, I was able to work at one of the most prestigious medical university hospitals in the US.
After 5 years of working in the medical profession, I decided to go back to graduate school to get my EMBA in 2018. Now that I am adding on more significant student loans, I wanted to create a blog/platform. I had created this blog/platform to document my journey and hope that I can help influence someone to make decisions to better their lives.